

          我一直是在紐約上州的珍珠河教會牧會,有一次在周三的查經班結束後,Julie姐妹向我提起Bergen County有一些華人需要福音,問我可不可以到那裡開查經班。我說,禱告吧,幾個月以後,Julie姐妹又向我提起這個要求,我就說,求主給我們一個印證,如果我能租到一間教堂,那就是上帝的旨意。於是我就和 Julie姐妹約好,下一個週三的查經班之後,一起去找教堂。在 Kinderkamack的路上,有三間教堂。頭一間是靠近新金豐超市的那間,因為某種原因我覺得不合適。然後又到了隔壁那間教堂,沒人在。最後到了Annumciation church當時是Archie牧師來開門。他說平時週三的白天他不會在教會,那天臨時有事才會在教會。當我們說明來意以後,他就領我們參觀教堂,臨走之前對我們說:去,把人帶進教會裡!感謝主,藉著 Archie 牧師的祝福,我們於 2013 年一月開始安排了兩個查經班,週三晚和周五早上。當時有Julie夫婦及Victor夫婦是我們的基本成員,然後漸漸的有新人來查經。所以我開始覺得有教會的必要。 
          當時美國教會正在大整修,一定要等到他們拿到使用許可,我們才申請正式使用教會的權利。到了第二年春天,他們的使用許可終於拿到了,Archie牧師就來告訴我,你們要趕快提出申請了,因為有幾個韓國人,手捧著現金要來租這個場地。我問他多少錢?他說1800 元。我說:我沒辦法給這麼多。他回答我,我沒權利決定,你們自己去向Vastry他們的長執說明,下週二晚上他們要開會,你就來向他們作一個簡報吧!
          我為這事禱告,仍然是求主的旨意。當時是Victor弟兄作我的翻譯,我向他們的Vastry介紹我們的機構,我們的異象,我們的目標,我們的作法等等。最後講到租金的時候,我說,教會剛開始,我們都是自己掏腰包付房租,現在最多只能付你們 600元。他們沒有回答我,最後,Archie牧師要我為他們作祝福禱告,然後我們就先離開了。第二天是星期三,晚上有查經班。當我到教堂門口的時候,Archie牧師就向我手說:Sornia, 恭喜你,我們的Vastry全數通過你們下來,拒絕了韓國人!所以現在的房租是850元。然房租多了250元,這仍然
          我要特別感謝珍珠河教會來的三對同工夫婦,陳慶宏夫婦,Victor夫婦及 &Norbert夫婦,他們一直以來的配褡服事,我們都是早上在珍珠河教會事,下午來俄備得教會事。開始到現在,一直沒有退縮。因著他們的堅持,也成為我的鼓勵,這就是互相效力
          我也要感謝,牧師在我們教會成的時候,給予各方面支持他也鼓勵其他的生命堂一起來支持這新的教會,包金錢、聖詩經的供應,俄備得教會的事就這開始了!在這裡也要感謝一對非常主的夫婦,當他們知道我們的房租增加的時候,他們就立刻奉獻1000 元,給教會付房租。當我拿到這筆奉獻的時候,心裡充滿這是上帝給我的第個印證,上帝會看顧這個教會的。
          感謝主,經年的時間,上帝的恩典滿滿,祂給我們許多可的弟兄姐妹,也給我們心合意的同工。我求主耶穌特別恩待俄備得教會,成為Bergen County的屬靈燈臺這地居民,因我們的教會而蒙福,而且大福!

History of the CEM Church in Oradell, New Jersey

Since a sister had mentioned to Evangelist Sorina Chang (Evangelist in charge of the Pearl River Church i.e. ECMSI in Pearl River, New York) that there were many Chinese in Bergen County of New Jersey who needed the Gospel, she asked if the Evangelist could start a Bible Study class there. After various considerations and praying incessantly, Evangelist Chang beseeched God to give her a sign. That was, if she could find a church to be used of God,  a Bible Study class would be arranged to commence. If she could not find a church, then this would not be God’s leading. Therefore sister Lin and the Evangelist started looking for a church. Along Kinderkamack road there were three churches. In the end, God had prepared our current church, which is the Annunciation Church. At the same time, through the words of this Church’s pastor Rev. Archie, this enabled us to further prove our belief that this was God’s leading since he said to the Evangelist, “Go, bring people into this Church!” Thank the Lord! With God’s blessings, we started in January, 2013 a Bible Study class in Oradell, NJ.

After over a year of Bible Study, we discovered if we did not start having church worship, the ministry work would not last long. Therefore we submitted our application  to the American Annunciation Church to grant us use of their facility for our Sunday worship…At the same time,  another Korean church also submitted a rental application to use their facility and grounds. The Koreans put in an offer of $1,800 per month, which was very high rent. When Rev. Archie told Evangelist Chang the situation, she was completely taken aback, since we could not afford to pay such exorbitantly high rent. We could only pray for the Lord’s mercy. Rev. Archie also requested Evangelist Chang to attend their church’s board meeting which was held in May. Evangelist Chang accepted his invitation and participated. During the meeting, Evangelist Chang told them about our organization, our vision and burden of the Gospel, at the same time clearly telling them the amount of rent we could afford to pay was $600.00. The Board of Vestry meeting that day lasted over an hour and then we departed.

On the following day which was Wednesday in the evening when we normally held our Bible Study and prayer meeting there, as soon as Evangelist Chang stepped into the church, Rev. Archie waved his hands to her and said,” Congratulations! Our Board, the Board of Vestry had decided to let you all stay…”

Evangelist Chang was totally dumbfounded! Even though the rent was raised to $830.00 per month, in the end they decided to let us use their church Hall, sanctuary and chapel, while rejecting the application of the Korean church. This is indeed God’s work of wonders! Truly thankful to our Lord! What God had opened the way for us, no one could block or deter. Hence on the first day of June, 2013, CEMC in Oradell, NJ commenced its first Sunday worship.

“But when he saw the multitudes, he was moved with compassion on them, because they fainted, and were scattered abroad, as sheep having no shepherd. Then smith he unto his disciples, The harvest truly is plenteous, but the laborer are few; Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth laborer into his harvest.”

Gospel of Matthew 9:36-38